Sunday, August 12, 2012

Review: The Dark Knight Rises

At this point, there is not a lot to say or write about that hasn't already been written concerning this installment in the Batman trilogy.  If you liked the first two movies, you'll find this one to be an entertaining conclusion to the saga.  If you didn't enjoy Christopher Nolan's version of the caped crusader, then you'll look at this as more of the same.  Anne Hathaway breathes a breath of fresh air into the franchise as 'The Cat' - a burgler with a conscience.  In fact, by the end of the movie she is more of an ally than an adversary.  Tom Hardy is a serviceable villian in the form of Bain, however there were times where his lines were almost intelligible - really inexcusable for a modern film. 
Christopher Nolan's dystopian vision of Gotham plays a big role in the movie as well.  The locations and the cinematography all add to the atmosphere that Nolan is trying to establish.  I've been a Nolan fan since 'Memento', and he certainly doesn't disappoint here.  Crisp direction, exciting action sequences, and the usual storyline that plays on multiple levels are all on display.  Add to that some unforeseen twists and turns in the story, and you've got a winner of a summer blockbuster.
By the way, we saw this at a drive-in theater.  What a wonderful throwback of an experience - it had the centralized snack shack you'd expect with the usual staples (slurpees, nachos, you get the drift).  The only thing missing was the big, bulky speaker that hangs on your window.  They have you tune into their local FM broadcast and you get the sound through your car speakers.  This worked out very well, the only downside being the car had to be set to ACC the whole time.  Anyway, if you have the chance, it is still a great way to see a movie.

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